gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.23.2 linux/amd64

gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.23.2 - Trivy安全扫描结果 扫描时间: 2025-02-08 15:42
低危漏洞:3 中危漏洞:8 高危漏洞:6 严重漏洞:5

系统OS: 扫描引擎: Trivy 扫描时间: 2025-02-08 15:42

kaniko/docker-credential-acr-env (gobinary)
低危漏洞:1 中危漏洞:2 高危漏洞:1 严重漏洞:1
软件包 漏洞 安全状态 安装版本 修复版本 漏洞信息
golang.org/x/crypto CVE-2024-45337 严重 v0.24.0 0.31.0 golang.org/x/crypto/ssh: Misuse of ServerConfig.PublicKeyCallback may cause authorization bypass in golang.org/x/crypto

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-45337

镜像层: sha256:86a9b4e510748dc495e6fd8b1b6ffbf97bcfa63cda0f4372859d51c600d7e840

发布日期: 2024-12-12 02:02 修改: 2024-12-12 21:15

stdlib CVE-2024-34156 高危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 encoding/gob: golang: Calling Decoder.Decode on a message which contains deeply nested structures can cause a panic due to stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34156

镜像层: sha256:86a9b4e510748dc495e6fd8b1b6ffbf97bcfa63cda0f4372859d51c600d7e840

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-09-09 15:35

stdlib CVE-2024-34155 中危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 go/parser: golang: Calling any of the Parse functions containing deeply nested literals can cause a panic/stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34155

镜像层: sha256:86a9b4e510748dc495e6fd8b1b6ffbf97bcfa63cda0f4372859d51c600d7e840

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-11-04 17:35

stdlib CVE-2024-34158 中危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 go/build/constraint: golang: Calling Parse on a "// +build" build tag line with deeply nested expressions can cause a panic due to stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34158

镜像层: sha256:86a9b4e510748dc495e6fd8b1b6ffbf97bcfa63cda0f4372859d51c600d7e840

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-09-09 14:35

github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 CVE-2024-51744 低危 v4.5.0 4.5.1 golang-jwt: Bad documentation of error handling in ParseWithClaims can lead to potentially dangerous situations in golang-jwt

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-51744

镜像层: sha256:86a9b4e510748dc495e6fd8b1b6ffbf97bcfa63cda0f4372859d51c600d7e840

发布日期: 2024-11-04 22:15 修改: 2024-11-05 16:04

kaniko/docker-credential-ecr-login (gobinary)
低危漏洞:0 中危漏洞:2 高危漏洞:1 严重漏洞:0
软件包 漏洞 安全状态 安装版本 修复版本 漏洞信息
stdlib CVE-2024-34156 高危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 encoding/gob: golang: Calling Decoder.Decode on a message which contains deeply nested structures can cause a panic due to stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34156

镜像层: sha256:8d7f8c84b400f28900ce7ee430c3d26976dc96149289f658ad2669e6d700319d

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-09-09 15:35

stdlib CVE-2024-34155 中危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 go/parser: golang: Calling any of the Parse functions containing deeply nested literals can cause a panic/stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34155

镜像层: sha256:8d7f8c84b400f28900ce7ee430c3d26976dc96149289f658ad2669e6d700319d

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-11-04 17:35

stdlib CVE-2024-34158 中危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 go/build/constraint: golang: Calling Parse on a "// +build" build tag line with deeply nested expressions can cause a panic due to stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34158

镜像层: sha256:8d7f8c84b400f28900ce7ee430c3d26976dc96149289f658ad2669e6d700319d

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-09-09 14:35

kaniko/docker-credential-gcr (gobinary)
低危漏洞:0 中危漏洞:2 高危漏洞:1 严重漏洞:1
软件包 漏洞 安全状态 安装版本 修复版本 漏洞信息
github.com/docker/docker CVE-2024-41110 严重 v27.0.3+incompatible 23.0.15, 26.1.5, 27.1.1, 25.0.6 moby: Authz zero length regression

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-41110

镜像层: sha256:e4625a9e9213448ba5273cc145bcb94c133281b6af82d354cdfdea642fa0f9e2

发布日期: 2024-07-24 17:15 修改: 2024-07-30 20:15

stdlib CVE-2024-34156 高危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 encoding/gob: golang: Calling Decoder.Decode on a message which contains deeply nested structures can cause a panic due to stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34156

镜像层: sha256:e4625a9e9213448ba5273cc145bcb94c133281b6af82d354cdfdea642fa0f9e2

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-09-09 15:35

stdlib CVE-2024-34155 中危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 go/parser: golang: Calling any of the Parse functions containing deeply nested literals can cause a panic/stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34155

镜像层: sha256:e4625a9e9213448ba5273cc145bcb94c133281b6af82d354cdfdea642fa0f9e2

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-11-04 17:35

stdlib CVE-2024-34158 中危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 go/build/constraint: golang: Calling Parse on a "// +build" build tag line with deeply nested expressions can cause a panic due to stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34158

镜像层: sha256:e4625a9e9213448ba5273cc145bcb94c133281b6af82d354cdfdea642fa0f9e2

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-09-09 14:35

kaniko/executor (gobinary)
低危漏洞:2 中危漏洞:2 高危漏洞:3 严重漏洞:3
软件包 漏洞 安全状态 安装版本 修复版本 漏洞信息
github.com/docker/docker CVE-2024-41110 严重 v27.0.3+incompatible 23.0.15, 26.1.5, 27.1.1, 25.0.6 moby: Authz zero length regression

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-41110

镜像层: sha256:0f6b8c1ecf319c3adab0b8934c2920b10e8a9598b136ee2b82f54746072474d1

发布日期: 2024-07-24 17:15 修改: 2024-07-30 20:15

github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 CVE-2025-21613 严重 v5.12.0 5.13.0 go-git: argument injection via the URL field

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2025-21613

镜像层: sha256:0f6b8c1ecf319c3adab0b8934c2920b10e8a9598b136ee2b82f54746072474d1

发布日期: 2025-01-06 17:15 修改: 2025-01-06 17:15

golang.org/x/crypto CVE-2024-45337 严重 v0.24.0 0.31.0 golang.org/x/crypto/ssh: Misuse of ServerConfig.PublicKeyCallback may cause authorization bypass in golang.org/x/crypto

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-45337

镜像层: sha256:0f6b8c1ecf319c3adab0b8934c2920b10e8a9598b136ee2b82f54746072474d1

发布日期: 2024-12-12 02:02 修改: 2024-12-12 21:15

github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 CVE-2025-21614 高危 v5.12.0 5.13.0 go-git: go-git clients vulnerable to DoS via maliciously crafted Git server replies

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2025-21614

镜像层: sha256:0f6b8c1ecf319c3adab0b8934c2920b10e8a9598b136ee2b82f54746072474d1

发布日期: 2025-01-06 17:15 修改: 2025-01-06 17:15

golang.org/x/net CVE-2024-45338 高危 v0.26.0 0.33.0 golang.org/x/net/html: Non-linear parsing of case-insensitive content in golang.org/x/net/html

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-45338

镜像层: sha256:0f6b8c1ecf319c3adab0b8934c2920b10e8a9598b136ee2b82f54746072474d1

发布日期: 2024-12-18 21:15 修改: 2024-12-31 20:16

stdlib CVE-2024-34156 高危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 encoding/gob: golang: Calling Decoder.Decode on a message which contains deeply nested structures can cause a panic due to stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34156

镜像层: sha256:0f6b8c1ecf319c3adab0b8934c2920b10e8a9598b136ee2b82f54746072474d1

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-09-09 15:35

stdlib CVE-2024-34155 中危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 go/parser: golang: Calling any of the Parse functions containing deeply nested literals can cause a panic/stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34155

镜像层: sha256:0f6b8c1ecf319c3adab0b8934c2920b10e8a9598b136ee2b82f54746072474d1

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-11-04 17:35

stdlib CVE-2024-34158 中危 1.22.5 1.22.7, 1.23.1 go/build/constraint: golang: Calling Parse on a "// +build" build tag line with deeply nested expressions can cause a panic due to stack exhaustion

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-34158

镜像层: sha256:0f6b8c1ecf319c3adab0b8934c2920b10e8a9598b136ee2b82f54746072474d1

发布日期: 2024-09-06 21:15 修改: 2024-09-09 14:35

google.golang.org/grpc GHSA-xr7q-jx4m-x55m 低危 v1.64.0 1.64.1 Private tokens could appear in logs if context containing gRPC metadata is logged in github.com/grpc/grpc-go

漏洞详情: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-xr7q-jx4m-x55m

镜像层: sha256:0f6b8c1ecf319c3adab0b8934c2920b10e8a9598b136ee2b82f54746072474d1

发布日期: 0001-01-01 00:00 修改: 0001-01-01 00:00

github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 CVE-2024-51744 低危 v4.5.0 4.5.1 golang-jwt: Bad documentation of error handling in ParseWithClaims can lead to potentially dangerous situations in golang-jwt

漏洞详情: https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2024-51744

镜像层: sha256:0f6b8c1ecf319c3adab0b8934c2920b10e8a9598b136ee2b82f54746072474d1

发布日期: 2024-11-04 22:15 修改: 2024-11-05 16:04